For a fire bowl, it is important to choose wood that burns well, produces good heat and minimizes smoke. Here are the most recommended types of wood:


  • Advantages : Very dense, it burns slowly and gives off intense heat. It is ideal for long-lasting burning.
  • Disadvantages : Can be more difficult to light, requires a dry diet for proper combustion.


  • Benefits : Burns slowly with strong, even heat. It produces few sparks and is therefore safer for a brazier.
  • Cons : Must be dried well before use, as it contains a lot of moisture in its fresh state.


  • Pros : Easy to light, burns well even if not completely dry. It produces good heat and little smoke.
  • Cons : Can burn faster than other woods such as oak.

Which woods should I avoid in my brazier?

Softwoods (pine, fir): They burn quickly and produce a lot of smoke, sparks, and creosote, which can clog the brazier and be dangerous.

Treated or painted wood : They can release harmful toxins when burning.

Some recommendations?

For a brazier, it is also recommended to use very dry wood (humidity less than 20%) to limit smoke production and ensure more efficient combustion.

brasero plancha barbecue+