Tuna tataki recipe with a plancha brazier

Embark on a culinary world tour with the easy recipe for seared tuna with sesame: tuna tataki in a brazier.
We mix with flavors the bluefin tuna of the Mediterranean and influences of Japan!



For 4 people:

  • 500g thon rouge frais
  • 100g sésame doré
  • 40cl sauce soja salée
  • 4cs sauce soja sucrée
  • 6cs huile d’olive

Light the brazier


Mix the soy sauces in a bowl.
Pour the sesame into another bowl.


Cut the tuna into long thick slices of about 3cm. Dip the tuna pieces in the soy sauces. Roll the tuna pieces in the sesame to cover them completely.


Brush oil on the plancha of the TRIO brazier. Sear the tuna on all sides for about 2 minutes per side. Slice. Serve.

Did you know?

The bluefin tuna is an exceptional swimmer capable of reaching a speed of 70km/h. It is also a warm-blooded animal, a very rare characteristic in fish. It is also to the blood supply of his muscles that he owes his speed, but also the firmness of his flesh.

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