Salmon in a brazier recipe
This recipe requires little preparation beforehand and we love it: the salmon takes on the taste of cedar for an absolutely delicious result.
An easy and tasty recipe in a few minutes at the brazier! This recipe requires little preparation beforehand and we love it: the salmon takes on the taste of cedar for an absolutely delicious result!
Light the brazier
Soak the cedar planks in cold water for 1 to 2 hours.
Astuteness: Soak the cedar planks in the sink or in a cooler filled with water.
Place a heavy pot on top to keep them submerged.
Place the salmon steaks, skin side down. Mix the oil and salt. Brush the salmon with this mixture, including between the steaks. Brush with aromatic herbs.
Grill the brazier for 20 to 25 minutes or until the salmon is just firm to the touch and a white liquid appears. If you have a thermometer, plant it in the heart of the pavement. The steak is cooked when it reaches 55°C.
Let the salmon rest for a few minutes. The steaks should be firm, and a knife inserted into its thickest part for 10 seconds should come out hot.
Using a spatula, place the steaks without the skin in a serving dish.
Sprinkle with dill leaves, if desired.
Serve warm or at room temperature.

Did you know?
It is said that the word salmon is a derivative of the Latin word “salmo” or “salire”, which means “to leap”. If you’ve ever seen salmon leap out of the water on their way to their spawning grounds, you’ll probably agree with this theory. Another is that the word salmon is derived from “salmun”, which means more simply “sea fish”.
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Brazier TRIO 98 Black – H1101550,00 €
Brazier TRIO 98 Black – H1001500,00 €
Brazier TRIO 98 Corten – H1101400,00 €
Brazier TRIO 98 Corten – H1001350,00 €
Brazier TRIO 82 Black – H1001330,00 €