In addition to being delicious, spiced mulled wine is rich in vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts, yeasts, ferments and trace elements essential to the proper balance of our diet. Not only does it warm us up, but mulled wine is a real winter cocktail against fatigue, colds, flu and bronchitis.

Mulled wine recipe in a brazier

From Alsace to the 4 corners of the world, everyone has their own version of mulled wine with spices and at COEO we wanted to share ours!



  • 1,5 L de vin rouge (Bordeaux, Bourgogne ou Pinot noir)
  • 250 g de sucre roux
  • 1 zeste de citron
  • 1 zeste d’orange
  • 2 étoiles de badiane (anis étoilé)
  • 2 clous de girofle
  • 1 morceau de gingembre émincé
  • 1 orange
  • 2 bâtons de cannelle
  • 1 pointe de couteau de noix de muscade râpée


Light your brazier.


Pour the wine into the casserole. Cut the citrus fruits and pour them into the casserole. Add all the ingredients one after the other.


Bring to the boil very gently and simmer for 5 minutes.


Strain through a colander.


Serve piping hot in glasses. Place one slice of orange per glass for decoration.

Did you know?

The first traces of mulled wine date back to the Roman Empire, in the year 20 AD, where it was called Conditum Paradoxum. To make it, the Romans boiled honey in wine, then spices (pepper, bay leaf, saffron), and dates were added.